in November 2023 Trace was awarded first prize in the Diverse and Inclusive category of the Mount Alexander Business Awards. Pictured here with dear friend Allie Hanley - ‘a category close to my heart - gratitude to all those I get to represent in diverse and inclusive ways... including a wide array of biodiversity... it is so necessary - and sometimes I’m glad I’m the one doing the illustration job where they may otherwise be invisible.’
reviews for Leaf-light
article from the Midland Express
Nature Journaling with Trace
Trace headed down to Melbourne last weekend to run a nature journaling workshop hosted by City of Melbourne. The following passage describes the day perfectly:
Trace inspired participants to do quick images of the gesture of plants, then more detail with tricks to dropping into the right side of the brain, and later adding colour. She spoke of how journaling has enriched her life and how we can get poetic or scientific with our journals, going whichever way suits us. She asked participants how they felt after the process - people spoke of feeling mesmerised, immersed, relaxed and calmer as well as inspired to do more!
The event was professionally filmed and will be available to view by anyone here at a later date. You can also book for the other two workshops that are being run by other artists on the same page.
10 October 2022
Trace made a visit to kinder story time last week to help the kids create their own story for a change. Setting the story on Djaara Country - where the kinder is situated - helped get the kids inspired to name some local species to include in the story. Before too long, the kids had a feel for the process and started getting super creative! The images featured show parts of the story: a person covering their ears due to a noisy Kookaburra, and a pesky fox being eaten by leeches!
A Visit to Castlemaine Child Care Co-Operative
School Holiday Nature Journaling at Ocean Grove Library
Having arrived back home after a fun school holiday period, Trace is busy working on her next book; oh how the excitement looms for the release of the sequel to Landing With Wings! But a little break from the book was required so that Trace could spend some of the school holidays at Ocean Grove teaching nature journaling workshops to eager young artists.
Have a gander at these delightful pieces that were created at the Ocean Grove Library!
29 September 2022
August 23 2022
Mapping, Countermapping, and Country in Trace Balla’s Graphic Novels
Melanie Duckworth is an associate professor of English Literature at Østfold University in Norway and has written this brilliant academic article on the use of mapping and countermapping in Trace’s work: a tool Trace uses to bring Indigenous knowledge of Country to the foreground of her graphic novels. Grab yourself a cuppa and sit back and have a read of this highly interesting look at Trace’s work.
August 23 2022
Learn how to create your own comic or graphic novel
ACMI takes a look at how Trace creates her stories; from gathering inspiration to turning them into a comic or graphic novel. It all starts with visiting a place that inspires you and what follows is a beautiful process of turning your ideas into your own illustrated story. Click here to visit ACMI and get creating!
August 9 2022
A sneak peek….
Trace is busy working away on her next book; the sequel to Landing With Wings. Take a sneak peek at a few of the illustrations that will feature in the book.
25 November 2021
Limited edition kids' tees by Trace Balla
Trace Balla has teamed up with the Wilderness Society to launch this children's tee-shirt in white and navy, with a special 'Love a leadbeater' illustration. Purchase your tee-shirt here and help the Leadbeater Possum.
11 November 2021
A new blog post by Trace
The Chalice Foundation has a new blog post by Trace talking about her latest graphic novella Cycling Together. Click here to have a read.
14 October 2021
A new poster by Trace Balla for the organisation Rural Australians For Refugees has made it onto the streets of Castlemaine and into the local paper! Click here to visit the Castlemaine RAR website to donate and find out more information.
Finding Your Nature.
Wondering how to discover and connect with nature?
This fold-your-own mini-book is designed to help you find your nature, wherever you are! It’s full of ideas and tips, including what to pack for a great adventure!
Click HERE to download your copy
Cycling Together Launch
The launch for Trace’s new graphic novella, Cycling Together, happened on Saturday 18th of September. Allie Hanley from Saltgrass Podcast recorded the event live. Click the button below to here Trace and guests discuss this important book.
Trace yarning about bush time - Interview with Leah Heys
Sit back and listen to Trace and Leah, a La Trobe University student, yarn about bush time.
11 August 2021
Capturing connections:
The inspiration behind Victorian author and illustrator Trace Balla
A new article about Trace by Olivia Salsbery from Remember The Wild
Australian Literary Educators Conference
Friday sept 10 at 3-4pm session with Trace
Story catching, stretching, hatching
A captivating interactive workshop. Trace has visited hundreds of schools in person and on line and found what works to foster a love of creative literacy. She will demonstrate making story maps and travelling stories with participation from the zoom group.
By mixing up words and images students can’t wait to get going with their own ideas. Trace believes combining fun, narrative, sound effects, labels, research, voice and thought bubbles, inspires a love for writing. She shows that catching stories everywhere, then stretching and hatching them is the way to bring kids alive to the love of creative literacy. Register here
03 August 2021
The Smith Family releases Preschool Attendance Strategies Report
Australian children’s charity organisation The Smith Family has released a report about a research project it implemented to add to the evidence base of what works to raise preschool participation for children experiencing disadvantage, with a particular focus on the lived experience of families and community practitioners.
Trace was thrilled to do the artwork for this report which you can download here.
31 July 2021
Landing With Wings wins bronze at the Ledger Awards!
Trace is over-the-moon to win the bronze award at the Comic Arts of Australia Award presented by the Ledger Awards. Click here to check out all the winners.