Upcoming events.
Singalong city book launch for the new book A Basket Of Songs as part of the Sustainable Living Festival and Climarte.
Lyrics by Trace Balla music by Andrew McSweeney. A Basket of Songs is for everyone to connect to our hearts and things that matter. Includes stories behind the lyrics, lyrics, song sheets, link to online recordings, and beautiful illustrations. Songs for celebrations, ceremonies, schools, sunsets, around fires and kitchen tables, at memorials, on your bike, anywhere a song can be sung.
11.00am, 17th February, 2024. Fitzroy Gardens (near the Old Bandstand - cnr Clarendon & Grey Sts East Melb)
books $20 -cash or card - correct cash is fastest!
come along to a singalong book launch for a new book A Basket of Songs - the Castlemaine Launch will be in the courtyard cafe (yes you can by cuppas and cake!) of the Good Op Shop (yes you can go op shopping before and after!) - Trace has written the lyrics and stories behind the songs, and illustrated the book. Andrew McSweeney has made them into songs- the book comes with music sheets as well as a link to online recordings.
Cost $20- cash or card- (correct cash is faster!)
11 am Sat 16 March 2024 - the Good Op Shop, 4 Lewis Drive, Castlemaine
parking is limited so come early, or by foot or bike
come along to the city launch of Trace’s new graphic novella Leaf-light (2023)
talks, book sales, signing, singalong with Andrew McSweeney to Trace’s lyrics, listen to Wildlife Vic speaker, and Trace will give a peep at how she created the book.
come by tram or bike, 11 am Tues 26th sept Botanic Gardens, Dallas Brooks drive, Naarm, Melbourne
Book Launch 11 am, sat Aug 5th, 2023
Castlemaine Visitors Info Centre
come along to the book launch of Leaf-light! We will have a chat about making the book, a bunch of thanks and some songs to celebrate with songman Andrew McSweeney, (some of Trace’s lyrics to join in singing with ) book sales and signing.
Join Miri and Wingo on their quest to help a rescued baby emu find their feet in the world… a beautiful ode to working together to make the world a better place. A story about friendship, taking down barriers and creating community, finding your own path in the world and inspiring others along the way. A stand-alone companion to Landing with Wings.
Trace and Djaara Elder Uncle Rick Nelson, having a sneak peek at a preview copy of Leaf-Light
launching in Castlemaine on August 5th, and in Melbourne Domain House BOTANICAL GARDENS on Tues 26 Sept - 11am 2023
Nature Journaling
Connect with nature in the city by getting involved in nature journaling where you will record observations, reflections and feelings about the natural world.
Nature journaling is recognised as a creative, educational and therapeutic tool that can be used to develop ecological literacy and reinforce observational skills, which are key components of supporting a person's connection to nature.
By capturing creative findings over time you will build your connection to place and will help us understand perceptions of nature within the City of Melbourne. As well as highlighting all the natural wonders that you can find even on your doorstep.
Citizen Foresters are invited to take part in a series of face-to-face nature journaling workshops. In these workshops you will be provided with tangible skills and art activities to help you record your observations of the natural world.
These sessions will be professionally filmed by our friends at Remember the Wild. They will then be published on this page as an online resource for nature journaling within the City, which can be accessed by anyone at any time.
These workshops will be held at Walmsley House within the Native Australian Garden at Royal Park, Parkville. Light refreshments will be provided.
On the day you will be asked to bring your own journal or writing paper. We will provide all other art materials.

*IN-PERSON* Nature Journalling for youth with Trace Balla
In this workshop Trace Balla will inspire youth to advocate for environmental sustainability, through nature journaling and storytelling and illustration for young creatives. Ages 12-18.

Dunkeld Writers Festival
Session 3
At Sterling Place - Dunkeld Community Centre
Is there one, who has it, what did they do with it, and where are they now? The Age’s Tony Wright will wrangle Rick, Colin and Trace on their origins, memories and motivations stemming from a country childhood.

Catching Stories with Trace Balla
Free Event
Join much loved author-illustrator, graphic novelist and animator, Trace Balla, for a free captivating story-catching webinar.
In her acclaimed books, Trace’s vibrant storytelling process combines words, images and other graphic elements to bring stories to life.
In this fun webinar she reveals how to catch, stretch and activate stories to bring kids alive to the love of creative literacy.

Books That Move You
A professional development workshop for teachers hosted by Environment Education Victoria

Firekeepers spring holiday program
Cartoon Story Catching, Stretching and Hatching with Trace Balla
Author-illustrator, Trace Balla, has caught many stories on her travels down rivers and across landscapes, and hatched them into award-winning picture books such as Rivertime, Rockhopping, and The Thank You Dish.
To launch Firekeepers Spring Holiday Program:
Join Trace on a virtual creative adventure workshop, where we will combine our stories, stretch them, and hatch them to make a group adventure cartoon story. Trace will give you lots of tips and tricks to inspire you to create your own little cartoon strips that you can share with the village on the Firekeepers Community Facebook page.
Suitable for all ages and abilities.
You will need: A biro, dark pencil, or dark Texta, and some a4 or a3 paper
Cycling Together Book Launch
Due to Covid restrictions we are moving the launch online. Click the button below at 11am on the 18th of September to join Trace, Mark Balla, Jane Bennett and Saltgrass podcast creator Alison Hanly who will be chatting about Trace’s new graphic novella, Cycling Together. Click the button below to join the launch from 11am, Saturday 18th September. There are two launch buttons - the left one is for computer users, the right is for IPad and Mobile users.
A True Roo Tale of Wandering and Wondering, set on Djaara Country, south eastern Australia. Created to honour the gentle kangaroos that live among us, as well as to acknowledge and support local wildlife rescue and care workers and shelters. A thoughtful graphic novella about Trace’s relationship with the local roos- for all ages, that you can color in. All proceeds go to the Red Box Wildlife shelter.
Soon Available in shops and as an ebook
join Trace for some super fun, free cartoon making workshops at the Woodend and Bendigo libraries, and learn about Boobook owls!
bookings filling fast - follow the links